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时间:2023-04-21  |  作者:3dm  |  阅读:11




角色创建 (Character)

负重上限很重要, 所以尽量选择+负重的天赋, 至于背包客, 目前只发现增加了一些负重上限. 但是天赋点可以全选, 并不影响创建角色. 这个游戏可以包套包, 所以空间不是很要紧, 负重更重要.

The upper weight limit is important, so try to choose some perk to expend this limit such as Porters (+24). As for the Backpacker, I found that the weight limit has been increased only by 12. However, you can select all perks, even your perk points becomes a negative number, and it does not affect the creation of characters (I think it is a bug for now). This game can put pack bags inside another pack bag, so the space is not a problem, the weight limit is more important.

近战/枪械/弓弩, 推荐枪械. 不过无论玩什么流派, 首选加伤害的天赋, 因为这些武器是有耐久的, 用坏了得修(还有弹药数量也是个问题), 武器配件也有使用次数限制, 所以更高的攻击意味着省下了修理和造弹药的麻烦.

You can focus on melee/guns/bows, but in my opinion, guns are recommended. However, no matter what style you play, the first choice is perk that can increase the weapon damage, because these weapons are not durable, they need repair frequently (and also limited ammunition), and weapon accessories also damaged when shooting, so higher weapon damage means reducing the work of repairing and crafting ammunition.

属性点上, 精神目前没发现有什么用. 耐力最有用. 进游戏后可以随意洗点. (打开地图, 按EQ切换功能)

As for attribute points, Energy has not been found to be useful so far. Stamina is the most useful. After entering the game, you can reset these points at will. (Press M to open the map, press E or Q to switch functions)


I didn't find any use in reading perks (but it should be useful in future versions).


地图选择 (Map)

先不要选择小地图, 因为我自己玩了个小地图, 最后发现没有医院, 没有加油站, 没有商人.

Don't choose the small map, because I played in a small map myself, and finally found that there are no hospitals, no gas stations, and no merchants.

建议选中地图, 最多枪支, 最少植被, 最多城镇.

It is recommended to select the medium size of map, a lot of guns, low vegetation, and high density of towns.

进游戏看一眼, 看看以上重点(加油站和商人$)设施有没有, 远不远, 不理想的话, 可以重新建图.

Go into the game and take a look to see if there are any of the above key facilities (gas station and merchant) , and if they are far away. You can rebuild the map if it is not ideal.

枪店和集装箱场地其实挺多的, 不用在意, 但是最好车场离得近一些, 方便找到第一辆车.

There are actually quite a lot of gun shops and container yards, so don’t worry about it, but it’s better to have the parking lot closer to get your first car.


建家 (Setting Up Your Base)

推荐去商人那建家, 商人能活下来的话, 应该是由一些游戏机制在保护他(比如附近不刷怪, 比如商人会反击)

It is recommended to set your base near the merchant. If the merchant can survive, it should be protected by some game mechanisms (for example, no monsters nearby, or the merchant may fight back)

商人周围有一些布屏风, 看起来是无敌的, 可以利用.

There are some cloth screens around the merchant that look invulnerable and can be exploited.

为什么要先建家? 原以为这游戏是以搜刮为主, 过着苦逼的日子, 其实不是这样. 首先, 建了水井之后就不缺水了, 其次, 如果你点了"好吃"的负面天赋, 野外很容易碰到熊之类的, 其实根本不缺肉. 就算打不过熊(其实很简单), 打打鹿也是很容易的事情.

Why do you need to set a base first? I thought that this game is mainly about searching and living a hard life, but it is not the case. Firstly, after building a well, there will be no shortage of water. Secondly, if you choose the "Delicious" (negative perk), it is easy to encounter bears in the wild, so there is no shortage of meat at all. Additionally, it is easy to hunt a deer.

如何采矿? 用气枪(一开始旁边地上死的兄弟送)或者弩(一开始武器4选1, 但是记得加技能回收箭矢). 气枪上足气, 一枪一坨矿, 掉一堆矿石, 比用稿子快多了, 如果实在是想玩点old fashion的, 也推荐把矿按Q搬到一起, 然后用镐子AOE, 可以省不少耐力.

How to mine? Use an air rifle (search the 2 bodies beside you at the beginning) or a crossbow (at the beginning, you can choose 1 of 4 weapons, but remember to add skills to recover arrows). It is much efficient than using a pickaxe. If you really want to play in old fashion, it is also recommended to move the mines together by pressing Q, and then use the pickaxe to do the AOE, which can save a lot of stamina usage.


Same way to deal with trees. Shoot them.

其实不仅是这些, 废弃的车子也能打, 掉不少高级资源. 围墙过不去? 直接砸, 或者用枪打. 其它看着不爽得东西, 全部打掉, 可以掉资源.

In addition, abandoned cars can also be destroyed , and a lot of high-level resources can be found. Is the wall difficult to get through? Just smash it, or shoot it with a gun. Destroy all the things that you don’t like, and you can get resources.

其实还有更多的办法, 比如用车撞(用质量不是那么好的车, 质量最好的车当然留着当座驾).

Moreover, you can drive a car to strike these things (and of course keep you own car in good condition, use other cars).

弹药怎么办? 可以自己造. 但是有2个需要注意的地方: A: 要有一些弹药作为解锁的母版; B: 需要火药.

What about ammunition? You can make it by yourself. But there are 2 things to pay attention to: A: There must be some ammunition as consumable items for unlocking the skill; B: Gunpowder is needed.

所以说, 唯一不要火药的弹药就是气枪子弹和箭矢, 前期可以用来挖矿和拆车拆墙用.

Therefore, the only ammunition that does not require gunpowder is air rifle bullets and arrows, which can be also used for mining and demolishing cars and walls in the early stage.

火药=木炭+硝石, 硝石就是灰白色的(不是最白的)晶体矿, 木炭造几个篝火慢慢烧就是了.

Gunpowder = charcoal + saltpeter, saltpeters is from off-white (not the whitest) crystal ore. As for charcoal, just build a camp fire with and burn the wood, bark and other things.

玻璃瓶和矿泉水瓶子不要丢了, 是造化学/制药工作台和造胶水的材料.

Don't drop glass bottles and water bottles, they are materials for making chemical and medicine benches and glue.


游玩 (Playing)

衣服最多穿4件, 但是一般3件+1斗篷防雨. 裤子可以穿4条.

You can wear up to 4 pieces of torso, but generally 3 pieces + 1 cloak to prevent rain. You can wear 4 pieces of trousers.

衣服和裤子是有口袋的, 装在里面的东西不算负重(神了), 而且空间相当大(8*5一件). 所以一些吃的喝的, 还有可堆叠的材料/弹药全放衣服裤子里就行了.

Clothes and trousers have pockets, and the stuff inside is not a load (a miracle), and the space is quite large (8*5 pieces). So some food and drink, and stackable materials/ammunition are recommended to put it in these pockets.

由于可以包套包, 车里可以放很多东西, 基本不需要在家里造箱子.

Since the bag can be put in another bag, a lot of items can be stored in the car, and there is basically no need to build storage boxes at your base (but still you can).

身上也能包套包, 但是不省负重, 所以不要套太多层(并且包本身有重量)

You can do this in your own backpack, but since it can only increase the space not the weight limit, so it is not suggested to overdo this (besides, the backpacks also weight (1-2kg)).

如果你对枪械熟悉, 多余的枪械可以拆成零件. 但是你需要选择那些有着更多改装部位(最多3个)的枪.

If you are familiar with guns, you can keep one you need and disassemble others into parts as repairing materials. But you should keep the guns that have more (up to 3) slots for modification.

不要用多功能工具开锁, 可以用铜丝或铁丝做开锁器. (改锥也留着做多功能工具)

Do not use a Leatherman to pick locks, you can use copper wire or iron wire to make a lock picker. (Also keep the screwdriver as material for making Leatherman)

其实直接撬门或集装箱也是可以的. 开锁器留着开保险柜(这个不让撬).

It is also possible to pry the door or container directly. Keep the lock picker to deal with the safe (this is not allowed to pry).

熊/鹿肉过期了也能做烹饪吃, 所以还是不会缺肉的. 但是烹饪好的肉如果再过期了就不能吃了. 每天起床做3-4块肉, 一天就能过了. (熟肉保质期3天)

The expired bear / deer meat can be cooked and eaten, so there will be no shortage of meat. But if the cooked meat is expired, it cannot be eaten. Cook 3-4 pieces of meat after you getting up, and it can get you through the day. (The cooked meat expires in 3 days)

手搓东西会消耗更多的材料, 所以尽量找工作台. 比如加技能的药剂要30+2特殊材料, 而在制药台造就只要10+1. 手搓子弹也会更费材料.

Crafting things with no workbench (press C) will consume more materials, so try to find a workbench. For example, red doze need 30 mutant tissue + 2 mutant heart to craft with no workbench, but it only takes 10+1 to craft at a medicine bench. Same as crafting ammo.

度过前期之后就可以更豪放一些了, 把怪物的数量调上来, 大量造子弹, 罐子炸弹什么的也用上, 去军营这样的怪多的地方, 该刷丧尸的材料造技能药剂了.

After passing the early stage, you can be more bold and unrestrained. Craft more ammo and bombs. Go to a military camp where you can find a lot of zombies, it’s time to collect some mutant materials to craft dozes.

关于车辆的选择, 如果只是随便玩玩, 那么豪华SUV不错, 但是这玩意是个油老虎, 而这游戏是个末日题材, 所以不太会供给大量的汽油, 因此你也可以选择一辆省油的车作为日常使用. 当然, 脂肪能炼油, 你也可以裤兜塞满匕首, 走到哪就屠宰到哪, 连丧尸都不放过.

Regarding the choice of vehicle, if you just play casually, then a luxury SUV is a nice choice. But this SUV is a gas hog, and this game is a doomsday theme, so it is unlikely to supply a lot of gasoline, therefore, you can choose a fuel-efficient car for daily use. Of course, fat can refine oil in this game, and you can carry a full pocket of daggers , slaughter wherever you go, even zombies, for fat.


武器及弹药 (Weapons & Ammo)


Ideas of weapon selection:


You can choose melee weapon when starting.

气步枪是这个游戏最亮眼的武器, 但是上气的过程过于繁琐.

The air rifle is the most eye-catching weapon in this game, but the process of charging is too cumbersome.

如果是靠搜刮, 那有什么就用什么, 重点关注枪支配件即可.

If you rely on searching, then use whatever you have, and focus on gun accessories.

考虑到造弹药的情况, 并不是口径越大的武器越实用, 因为大口径弹药一次造得少, 所以9mm(一次造20发)和5.56及7.62(一次造10发)是不错的选择. 并且这些弹药都有对应的自动武器.

Considering crafting ammunition, it is not that weapons with larger calibers are more practical, because large-caliber ammunition is produced less at a time, so 9mm (20 rounds at a time) and 5.56 and 7.62 (10 rounds at a time) are good choices. Additionally, each of these ammunition has a corresponding automatic weapon.

12号散弹威力是真的大, 推荐使用, 尤其是配合连发散弹枪或者手腕摧毁者, 但是一次只能造6发.

12-gauge shotgun is really powerful, and it is recommended to use it, especially with a striker shotgun or a wrist breaker, but it can only produce 6 rounds at a time.

而.22(一次造30发)我目前没有找到合适的自动武器, 所以仅作为最后的手段.

However, as for the .22 (30 rounds at a time), I haven't found a suitable automatic weapon so far, so it's only a last resort.

.300马格南弹药的问题是伤害溢出, 用来打普通丧尸显然划不来, 并且一次只造4发, 是适应性最差的弹药(这意味着你需要其它武器去弥补它的短板, 即对付普通僵尸).

The problem with the .300 Magnum ammo is that the damage overflows, it is obviously not worthwhile to use it to shoot normal zombies, and it only produces 4 rounds at a time, which is the least adaptable ammunition (meaning you need other weapons to make up for its shortcomings, e.g. against normal zombies).

如果要买子弹的, 推荐买弹夹, 把子弹卸出来, 再把弹夹卖还给商人回点本.

If you want to buy bullets, it is recommended to buy magazines, unload the bullets, and then sell the magazines back to the merchant to return the money.


Here are my current my choices:

1号: .50气步枪(自带小声音, 而且弹药不耗火药).

Hotkey 1: .50 cal air rifle (with a low noise, and the ammunition does not consume gunpowder).

2号: M249轻机枪(大口径并提供火力压制)

Hotkey 2: M249 machine gun (large-caliber, providing fire suppression)

3号: 手腕摧毁者(手枪的散弹枪, 用于近距离射击).

Hotkey 3: wrist breaker. (It is a pistol, suitable for close range shooting)


(Keep an Uzi or other small-caliber gun in your trouser pocket as a backup)


Good weapons found so far include:

1. 近战(melee):

武士刀, 高尔夫球杆, 消防斧.

Katana, Golf club, Fire axe.

2. 枪(guns):

M249轻机枪, 或其它轻机枪.

M249 machine gun

高达掉的电击枪和激光枪, 缺点是弹药(电池)不能造, 只能靠搜刮或开集装箱赌运气.

Tesla gun and High energy laser gun ( from the robot in military base). The disadvantage is that the ammunition (battery) cannot be crafted, and can only be gambled by searching or opening containers.

手腕摧毁者(手枪的散弹枪, 用12号鹿弹), 优点是散弹的高攻击+占用手枪栏而不是主武器.

Wrist breaker (pistol shotgun, with 12-gauge buckshot), the advantage is that the shotgun has high damage + occupies the pistol slot instead of the main weapon.

格洛克(连发版), 同样是手枪, 不占用主武器栏.

Glock (automatic version), also a pistol, does not occupy the main weapon slot.

曾经在别人的视频里看到过.50龙爪气步枪的高压版, 但是没看到具体属性. 我自己的地图里3个商人都不卖.

I have seen the high-pressure version of the .50 Dragon Claw Air Rifle in other people's videos, but I have not seen the specific attributes. The 3 merchants in my own map do not sell it.

3. 弓弩(bows):

复合弓或者弩, 或气弩, 铁箭头伤害高, 爆炸箭更是好.

Compound bow or crossbow, or mechanical crossbow, iron arrows have high damage, explosive arrows are better.


改枪 (Gun Modification)

基本原则(Basic rules):

1. 如果确实感觉生存有压力, 那么选择消音器.但是, 选择本身就消音的气步枪或者弓弩更好. 否则的话, 尽量提高攻击力.

If you really find out it is hard for survival, then choose a silencer. However, it is better to choose an air rifle or a crossbow that is itself silenced. Otherwise, try to increase the weapon damage.

2. 因为弹药量和枪支及配件耐久的局限, 射速并不重要. 重要的仍然是攻击力.

Due to the limitations of the amount of ammunition and the durability of guns and accessories, the rate of fire is not important. The important thing is still the weapon damage.


1. 枪管(barrel):

如果是散弹枪, 推荐选择短管, 因为伤害足. 其它枪推荐长管.

If it is a shotgun, it is recommended to choose a short barrel, because the damage is sufficient. As for other guns, extended barrels are recommended.

抑制器也能用, 但是没有增加攻击力的手段好, 并且准度可以用瞄准镜来弥补, 而射速也并没有太大的帮助.

Suppressors are also helpful, but not as good as increasing weapon damage, and the accuracy can be compensated with sights, and the rate of fire is not as important as damage.

2. 瞄准镜(sight):

推荐用全息1x, 因为加攻击.

Holographic sight is recommended, because it can increase the weapon damage.


Other low magnification sight can be also useful.

非狙击不需要用高倍镜, 因为会极大的降低射速, 尤其是作为2号位的火力压制武器.

Non-snipers don’t need to use a high-power sight, because it will greatly reduce the rate of fire, especially as a fire suppression weapon for the hotkey 2.

3. 枪托(gun stock):

推荐各种长枪托, 因为加攻击.

Choose the gun stock that can increase weapon damage.

其它枪托如轻便型的也能用, 和抑制器同理.

Other gun stock can be useful as well, but please remember, weapon damage is priority.


其它 (Others)

工具锤和扳手是造不出来的, 搜刮的时候记得拿.

Tool hammers and wrenches cannot be crafted, so remember to take some when looting.

大号油桶和塑料桶是最大的容器, 看到了记得拿.

Large fuel container and plastic bucket are the largest fluid containers, remember to take them when you see them.

下雨天接点生水放着, 生水是硫酸的原料(净水不行).

On rainy days, remember to collect some contaminated water, and it is one of the materials for sulfuric acid production (clean water cannot).

生水还有硫酸硝酸可以直接放在化学台里, 不需要用容器装.

Water (contaminated and clean), sulfuric acid and nitric acid can be placed directly in the chemical bench, no need to use containers.


There are a lot of water bottles and tin cans on the beach (that is, the east coast).

不要养成喝软饮和吃罐头的习惯, 因为这玩意指不定哪天会变质(保质期随机太大), 变成饮料刺客. 身上随身带净水(永不变质), 以及煎肉排(3天变质, 所以你会时常检查).

Don’t develop the habit of drinking soft drinks and eating canned food, because this things may spoil one day (the shelf life is randomly too widely), and sometimes gives you a surprise. Bring clean water with you (never spoil), and fried steak (3 days spoilage, so you will not forget to check every now and then).

尽快做背包, 手搓布背包, 工作台做皮背包, 这是最大的背包, 比登山包还大.

Craft a backpack as soon as possible, a fabric backpack can be crafted directly, or leather backpack on a workbench, this is the largest backpack, bigger than other bags.

电池除了供应手电之外, 还是修理瞄准镜的材料之一, 记得拿点.

In addition to supplying the flashlight, the battery is also one of the materials for repairing the sight, remember to take some.

如果出现低烧, 大概率是熬夜导致, 解决办法就是造个水井, 然后往死里喝水(直到36°C), 因为喝水能降温.

If a low-grade fever occurs, it is most likely caused by staying up late. The solution is to build a well and drink water as much as you can (I mean, non-stopping until your body temperature reduces to 36 °C), because drinking water can cool down your body.


怪物分析 (Monsters)

目前觉得最恶心的怪物就是那种全身插满钢筋的丧尸, 用枪打基本是跳弹, 很难造成有效伤害, 最好用散弹枪打, 另外用近战武器攻击也很nice.

If you encounter a zombie with full of steel bars that can reject bullets, try to use a shotgun or a melee weapon.

由于高达周围一般会有很多丧尸, 所以其实很好对付. 去集装箱基地中间的那个带密码锁的货柜拿轻机枪(必刷, 但型号随机), 就能轻松在高达和丧尸的混战中干掉它.

The robot in military base is easy to hunt, because there will be lots of zombies around the robot. You can destroy the robot when it fighting to zombies.

熊的攻击就是蓄力扑杀(直线), 横向走位就很轻松对付. 另外, 这货没多少血, 很容易击杀. 掉落也全是有用的东西, 见到了千万别放过.

Bears are easy to hunt, their attack mode is straight line culling, it is easy to dodge by move aside, and they do not have much HP.









